Indonesia dan The United Nation Volunteers Programme

         Alhamdulillah terpilih sebagai keluarga besar dari The United Nation Volunteers Programme sebagai salah satu perwakilan dari Kota Bekasi, Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Hanya satu kata, “Very Excited !”. Saya terpilih di bagian International Council Member (respected country) Executive Committee. Disini saya pun tidak sendirian, terdapat beberapa rekan dari Indonesia lainnya juga sebagai bagian dari keluarga besar UNV. Mereka diantaranya; Nindya Miesye Agita Pasaribu (Vice President), Muhammad Deri Laksamana Putra (Director), Ingga Yonico Martatino, Abdul Aziz, Dyan Kusumaning Ayu, Muhammad Rico Saputra yang berada di posisi yang sama dengan saya. Bisa chek disini.

     Mari mengenal lebih dekat apa itu The United Nation Volunteers Programme bisa dibaca tautan berikut ini. Dan orang yang pertama kali memperkenalkan saya mengenai program tersebut ialah Nahid Khan, nama aslinya ialah Md. Nahidul Islam dari Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tambahan sevara garis besar mengenai The United Nation Volunteers Programme ;
Online volunteers engage with grassroots organizations, international NGOs, governments and United Nations agencies over the Internet. By sharing their skills, knowledge and ideas directly with these organizations, online volunteers…

Enhance organizations’ resources

Online volunteers provide organizations with additional skills and expertise that may not be available locally. Coming from various backgrounds and cultures, they bring new ideas and fresh perspectives.

Six online volunteers supported the Youth for Technology Foundation in establishing the Sironko Digital Village, a community technology and learning center in Uganda. They developed strategies for training courses and income generation. They created a webpage, developed marketing material, researched potential donors, managed a contacts database of supporters and conducted outreach campaigns. Finally, they made recommendations on networking equipment, Internet connection and providers, online facilities and electricity supply.

Develop organizations’ capacities

Online volunteers can increase an organization’s institutional capacities by training staff, teaching new skills or providing guidance and advice.

Online volunteers have advised a youth focused NGO in Tanzania, the Tanzania Media and Youth Development Association, on lobbying and networking, and coached members of the NGO on how to negotiate with decision makers in government, community, and the private sector. Now they confidently engage with and receive strong support from leaders at all levels, the organization’s recommendations have been relayed to Parliament, and it successfully engaged in the coordination of a National Youth Employment Summit Campaign.

Extend organizations’ networks

Online volunteers learn about the organizations with which they collaborate and the people it serves, and in turn share this information with their friends and colleagues – mobilizing additional support.

The organization Teach a Man to Fish works towards transforming agricultural education in developing countries. After discussing the details of an assignment for designing an online game, which would help partners understand the organization’s educational model, an online volunteer realized that the project needed additional support. Through his private and professional networks, he put together a team of five engineers and artists and coordinated the team’s activities to help develop the game.”

         Adapun job description dari The United Nation Volunteers Programme, yaitu
The Online Volunteering service connects volunteers with organizations working for sustainable human development. Volunteers contribute their skills online to help organizations address development challenges.
Online volunteers are professionals, students, homemakers, retirees, people with disabilities and expatriates from across the globe who support organizations over the Internet. What they have in common is a strong commitment to making a real difference to development.
1) Organizations that comply with the eligibility criteria submit their online volunteering opportunities.
2) UNV publishes them if they are in line with the opportunity criteria.
3) You search for opportunities that match your profile and interests, and submit your application to the organization that posted the opportunity through the website.
4) The organization selects the volunteers with whom they would like to collaborate.
5) If your application is successful, you collaborate with the organization over the Internet.
6) You submit feedback upon completion of the assignment.
7) The organization issues you a certificate of appreciation.
